
Tote&Carry is an affordable, luxury bag brand specializing in statement, fashion pieces and travel sets designed to elevate your look for any occasion. Our bags deliver eye-catching colors, a delicate blend of fabrics and a signature snakeskin pattern suitable for anyone with an eye for style. “You’ll always stand out when you wear our bags,” co-founder Tony Rey says about the stunning accessories. Unlike other luxury brand executives, Tote&Carry co-founders Rey and Tony Dennis are working to protect the environment by using eco-leather in their products. The dynamic duo also produces Tote&Carry bags at the highest caliber quality for unmatched prices. With artistic flair and bold creativity at the forefront of the brand, Tote&Carry combines unique patterns, blends, textures and lush fabrics to bring that staple, one of a kind “touch” to each of the exclusive collections. The minority-owned company has created luxurious bags for high-profile clients since it first broke ground in Atlanta in 2016. Now, Tote&Carry is bringing the same top-tier luxury to you at an affordable price

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